This month’s announcements are as follows.
God bless you Christian friends and welcome to Mt. Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church. This week’s announcements on this are as follows:
1. Today, we will be taking a special offering for the Annual “Souper Bowl of Caring Project.” This project helps our youth and others. This year donations will support AME SADA and the Shirley Sheares Empowerment Center in Raleigh, North Carolina.
2. Please join us every Thursday morning at 6:00am for intercessory prayer. The toll-free number is 605-313-4834 and the access code is 543384. Then on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm, please join us for Bible Study, via Zoom. We have started the Book of 2nd Samuel. All we need is your email address so we can email to you the information needed to connect to Zoom. Please send your email address to:
3. Tuesday, February 9, 2021 @ 6:00pm, it is the Fourth Quarterly Conference with the Presiding Elder..
4. The Scripture Journaling Club continues to meet every Wednesday at 7:30 pm.
5. Intercessory Prayer every Thursday at 6:00am. The conference call toll-free number is 605-313-4834 and the access code is 543384#.
6. Bible Study every Thursday @ 7:00pm. On this Thursday, we will be starting the Book of 2nd Samuel. Please read Chapters 4 & 5. Exhorter Kirk Daniels, II will be the facilitator. Please join us on Zoom or Facebook.
Zoom Meeting ID 745 824 511
Password: 818180
7. Please send your prayer request to
8. On Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 4:00pm, the Capital District will be hosting a “Candle Light Memorial Service” for our Church Families and Friends. Please see your email for more details. Thank you.
9. Please mark your calendar for Sunday, March 21, 2021, for it is Mt. Zion’s 23rd Church Anniversary. This event is sponsored by the Board of Stewards. The guest preacher will be Rev. William H. Lamar, IV, Pastor of Metropolitan AME Church, Washington, DC for the 8:00am service and our very own, Bishop James L. Davis, will be the guest preacher for our afternoon service at 3:00pm. The Rev. Curtis Harris Ensemble will be our musical guest at 3:00pm. The Anniversary Assessment for this year is $100.00 per family. You may pay in installments or all one time. More information to follow. Thank you.
10. We continue to count on you to sow a seed, give your tithes and offerings by going on the church website at or go directly to “Givelify.” Or you may mail us: Mt. Zion AME Church, P.O. Box 745, Severn, MD 21144. Or “Cash App” us at $mtzionSevern.